history of sex

Celestial Bed

Sexologist James Graham’s Celestial Bed

Late 18th-century Georgian Britain had such fascinating trends. An age of Enlightenment, it brought forth people who were in love with science and anything that sounded “science-y”, even when the actual science was missing. And, no surprise, interest peaked when said pseudo-science trend dealt with sex. This brings me to one James Graham (1745-1794), a […]

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Moissac sculpture, women, and sodomy in the Middle Ages

Moissac Sculpture, Women, and Medieval Sodomy

This sculpture, coming from a porch from the abbey church at Moissac and dating between 1120-1135, shows a woman in hell being tortured for her sins of lust. Her long hair, draped over her face, draws attention to her sexual moral depravity, as two snakes bite her breasts as they coil around her genitalia. On

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Priapus God of Roman male genetalia


IN CASE you were wondering whether Ancient Romans worshipped a God of genitalia, the answer is yes, yes they most certainly did. Let me introduce you to the deity Priapus. He is really not difficult to miss. Priapus was originally introduced to the Romans via the Greeks, as per usual. His gigantic erection was a

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