Ancient History


Otzi “The Iceman”

Here’s a reconstruction of the oldest European mummy, called Ötzi, named for a region where he was found in the Alps back in 1991. His body had been preserved by his glacial environment for 5,300 years, and has been extensively studied by scientists who have put together a fascinating picture of the Iceman and his […]

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Ancient Spartan Masculinity

The Ancient Spartans deliberately cultivated an image of uniform, hyper-masculine, aggressive, militarized toughness. This picture helped maintain their power over their enslaved helots, upon whom the Spartans depended for their labor, wealth, and food. The statue here, known as “Leonidas,” comes from 480-470 BCE at the acme of Spartan dominance. The plumed helm, nude and

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The Garden of Hercules for Perfume Manufacturing in Ancient Rome

What you see here is the Garden of Hercules, a very niche home discovered in the southeastern ruins of the Ancient Roman city of Pompeii. What makes it special is the fact that it had a large garden designed specifically for flower-growing, and the remains of small glass bottles, irrigation techniques, and pollen samples suggests

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Earliest Sundials

The Earliest Timepieces from Ancient Egypt and the Hebrews

This Ancient Egyptian “shadow clock” dates to the Ptolemaic Period (330-306 BCE), but is representative of the earliest known timepieces. The earliest extant dates to about 1500 BCE, but this fragment is much more interesting to look at. Check out the parallel and oblique lines engraved on the sloping face: one would have placed a

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Gladiator Blood and Epilepsy

This Romano-British mosaic of combating gladiators speaks to the tradition of these bloody contests. It turns out, they were sanguineous in multiple ways — not only with the frequent slayings of the losers, but also in the way gladiator blood was revered for medicinal purposes.First appearing in the records about 260 BCE, gladiator fights originally

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The Ancient Universe

The Ancient Universe in Religion

We might not realize it, but the Christian culture of today carries with it a footprint of the spiritual universe of the Ancient Mediterranean world. Although modern scientific models overlay most of our ideas about what the universe looks like, the pagan, Christian, and Jewish religions of Ancient Rome had undergone a sort of revolution

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The Spider of the Nazca Lines

Here you see the Spider, one of the most important geoglyphs that form the Nazca Lines amid the arid coastal plain of southern Peru. The Nazca peoples constructed this and other shapes and lines between 500 BCE and 500 CE, in one of the world’s driest regions. Today the Nazca Lines are a UNESCO World

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image from the great necropolis of Porto

Death in the Mediterranean

How we treat the dead reflects much about what the living believe. In the Ancient Mediterranean, pagan cultures considered the proper burial of the deceased to be of critical importance: otherwise, the dead person’s spirit would have a restless afterlife. On the other hand, the world of the living was to be kept separate from

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a mosaic depicting a chariot race

Chariot Racing

Chariot-racing was one of the most popular sporting events in Ancient Rome. Throngs of people (up to 250,000 in Rome’s Circus Maximus) would crowd the stands, supporting their favorite teams (marked by the colors blue, green, red, and white) with fervorous shouting and cheers. The charioteers were much admired, and although some drivers could make

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History of the Cornucopia

In the United States today is the Thanksgiving holiday, and a common symbol (besides a turkey cross-dressing as a Pilgrim) is the cornucopia, or “Horn of Plenty”. This sounds like a magical item from the modern gaming world, but it goes back to Ancient Greek and Roman times.   Here, for instance, is a fourth-century

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painting of a nude woman lying down, she is leaning on a skull and her hand rests on a jar

Eva Prima Pandora

This painting documents one of the oldest stories ever recorded, and it’s all about how evil entered the world. And the blame goes straight onto women, and frankly it’s exhausting.   _Eva Prima Pandora_, or “Eve the First Pandora”, done by Jean Cousins around 1550, conflates the stories of the Ancient Greek first mortal woman,

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