Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe (d. 1601), arguably one of the best naked-eye astronomers in history, also had one of the most famous noses in history. Mostly remembered for his accurate and detailed observations on the locations of stars and planets, twenty-year-old Tycho got into a drunken argument with a distant cousin about who was the better mathematician. Pre-frontal cortices didn’t mature any faster in the 16th century, and he and his cousin eventually settled the affair by having a duel in the dark. This did not go down well for young Tycho, who lost his nose and had to wear a prosthesis for the remainder of his life. Although for centuries his fake schnoz was thought to have been made out of silver (Tycho was an aristocrat), a physical exhumation of his corpse done in 2010 determined that it was actually made out of brass.

Source: Tycho Brahe Died From Pee, Not Poison https://www.livescience.com/24835-astronomer-tycho-brahe-death.html