Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript

Finding a more arcane and mysterious text than the Voynich Manuscript would be difficult. Written in 1420, the script has thwarted the world’s best cryptogrographers – linguists have failed alongside computer A.I specialists to decode the 200-page book. Just yesterday a story broke that a British linguist has solved the code – he claims the language is a never-before rendition of a now extinct language called “Proto-Romance.” Moreover, he argues it was written by a Dominican nun. These claims, if true, would be the equivalent of figuring out how to make nuclear cold fusion for physicists. Headlines yesterday ran the story as if the deal were sealed, but some scholars are arguing this is not the case.

Sources: No, someone hasn’t cracked the code of the mysterious Voynich manuscript | Ars Technica


Pro: Bristol academic cracks Voynich code, solving century-old mystery of medieval text