
The Green Children of Woolpit

This is a set of bone sewing needles found in the Cave of Courbet near Toulouse, France, dating to around 13,000 years ago. Trace the history of the sewing needle and you will trace one of the key technologies that enabled Homo sapiens to migrate around the planet, and to outlast our closest human relatives, […]

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a set of silver rings bound by a smaller ring

Scottish Viking Hoard

VIKING HOARD ALERT! Not, like, the immanent threat of hoards of Vikings coming to invade, but the other sort of hoard — as in, the stashed treasures from Viking-age Scandinavia and Britain, buried for safekeeping but never reclaimed by their owners. Hundreds of such hoards have been discovered in modern times, many by amateur treasure-seekers

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a person stands in a large excavation pit. there is a blue arrow drawn to point at the ground

Fire and Evolution

The Ancient Greeks were right to have the story of how Prometheus brought fire to the human race front-and-center in their mythology. Fire is an amazing thing — most vertebrates flee from it when it happens in the natural world. But we humans learned to control it, and that revolutionized our existence. The control of

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painting of a celestial humanoid holding a painting of storm at sea. the figure is tilting the painting so that water from the painted sea overflows from the frame.

The Unmoved Mover

This surrealist painting by Mariusz Lewandowski, called “demiurgos unmoved mover” shows a haloed figure standing outside of a frame which contains a scene of a vast sky and water tumbling over the lip of the picture — maybe the figure is just watching the image, or maybe they are actually tipping it. Either way, the

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image of the paint Man Proposes, God Disposes that features two polar bears destroying human bodies and a ship wreck

The Alleged Curse of “Man Proposes, God Disposes”

This grizzly painting of two polar bears rending apart the remains of human corpses with a shipwreck in the background is the subject of a fascinating urban legend. Called _Man Proposes, God Disposes_, it was painted by artist Edwin Landseer in 1864 to depict the tragic failure of Englishman Sir John Franklin’s Arctic expedition 19

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painting of six figures dancing and playing instruments in a line

The Dancing Disease

This painting by the Early Modern European artist Pieter Brueghel the Younger shows a line of dancers, but they don’t look like they are having that much fun — for instance, the two women in the center are staring off into space, not paying attention to the musicians in their path. And that’s because they

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colored wood block print of the character kasane

Kasane the Vengeful “Noh” Spirit

Washington DC’s Sackler Gallery has an exhibit right now called “Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints.” It’s a fascinating view of the ways different artists thought about monsters and ghosts as popular subjects of Japanese “Noh” Theater, a type of performance that moved from elite circles to the masses in the

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woodblock print of Sun Wukong the Monkey King

“Journey to the West” and “Dragon Ball Z”

In the late 1500s in China’s Ming Dynasty, one of the world’s most epic sagas was published: _Journey to the West_. Attributed to Wu Cheng’en, it incorporated folk tales and myths with an historical account of a Chinese monk seeking Buddhist texts and wisdom. Along the way, the monk is aided by protectors, of whom

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Collage of images directing to the VAMPA museum

VAMPA Museum, Doylestown, PA

Today my daughter and I got to visit VAMPA, a paranormal museum in Doylestown PA! The very recently constructed museum was a sensory adventure. Starting with the garage-sale garden exterior, which sprawled with iron gazebos, plastic near-life sized dinosaurs (only some of which were broken), and lots of pseudo-Greek statuary, visitors wind their way to

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The Bonnacon

Oft I have I featured in these posts fabulous animals that Medieval people thought existed, but never actually did. The Bonnacon is yet another example, and boy oh boy it’s a doozy. Here — and in the following two images — you see illuminated paintings of various Bonnacons that appear in Medieval Bestiaries, writings that

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Mythos of Jupiter

This past September of 2022, the planet Jupiter was both in opposition (opposite the sun relative to earth) and at its closest position to earth (known as perigee), and the planet is still very bright in our evening skies. Medieval people had a great deal of lore surrounding each of the planets, and Jupiter’s was

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Werewolf Stories

Werewolf Stories

Werewolf stories existed in Europe as long ago as Ancient Roman times, but the ways people imagined them changed. Whereas for much of the Middle Ages, werewolves retained some of their sympathetic human nature, by the late 15th century they began to figure as evil servants of the devil. Some men were even executed for

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Gargoyle from Notre Dame

Gargoyle from Notre Dame

A gargoyle, from Notre Dame (these famed water spouts were only installed in the 1800s). The term comes from old French “gargouille” meaning “throat” but also the gurgling sound made by liquid in the throat. This of course refers to the rain-spout functionality of the gargoyle. But it also pertains to a medieval legend about

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Eve and Lilith Wooden Base

Eve and Lilith Wooden Base

This wooden base for a small statue features Eve and Lilith, two primal females in Christian mythology. These characters also underlined negative assumptions about women’s basic nature. Eve on the left shows weakness and over-curiosity by consuming the fruit forbidden to her. Lilith, thought to be Adam’s first wife, shows disobedience perhaps arising from her

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