
Christine de Pizan and the Book of the Queen

Christine de Pizan and the Path of Long Study

This is one of my favorite illustrations from Medieval history, from _The Book of the Queen_, and shows Christine de Pizan (1364-1431) — the first woman professional writer in French — standing in a celestial sphere surrounded by the sun, moon, and stars. The miniature features a scene from an allegorical tale by de Pizan […]

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Areopagitica by John Milton

_Areopagitica_, Milton, and Free Speach

This is the frontispiece of John Milton’s (of _Paradise Lost_ fame) _Areopagitica_, a treatise promoting free speech by arguing against licensing, aka mandating that publications must have official government/religious approval. Published in 1644, Milton’s world was not one that guaranteed the right to free expression. Instead, both in England and in the nascent colonies, there

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Lejeune and the Battle of Moscow

Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia and Tolstoy’s Critique of the “Great Man” Theory of History

There are many 19th-century paintings like this — where there are seemingly hundreds of minute figures, and you have to concentrate on the small patches of action in order to understand at all what is going on, instead of getting an impression of the whole and then spending time appreciating the details. This one is

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Arnaut Daniel

Arnaut Daniel, the 12th c Inventor of the Sestina

Time for a slice of poetry history! Reader, may I introduce you to one Arnaut Daniel, a late 12th-century troubadour from Provençe in southern France, and most likely candidate for the invention of the _sestina_? This image is from a 13th-century manuscript, which is as contemporary as we can get.Admittedly, neither Daniel nor the sestina

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audiobook cover of The Alphabet Versus the Goddess

The Alphabet Versus the Goddess

This is a book that of which I am not a fan. _The Alphabet Versus the Goddess_, by Leonard Shlain, argues that the development of the written word allowed patriarchy to flourish. Sigh.   Shlain’s background was in surgery, and the premise of his thesis is rooted in physical claims. “Alphabet literacy,” he asserts, gains

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a stone sphinx with Egyptian hieroglyphs and Proto-Siniatic signs inscribed on it

Alphabet Origins

This sphinx with doodles on its back is way cooler than it looks. At 23.7 cm/9.3 inches, it’s not much larger than a paperweight. But it contains a key to understanding the invention of the alphabet, one of the most significant technologies humans ever developed.   Dating to about 1800 BCE at an Ancient Egyptian

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an image of a long silver sword from the 10th century


It’s _Beowulf_ day in my Early Medieval Europe class, which I absolutely never get sick of — the bloody wrestling match of Beowulf and Grendel, the heartbreaking moment when Beowulf puts on his armor for the last time knowing that the dragon will kill him, the poet’s anxiety about blood feuds wrecking societies while nonetheless

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a close up of an illuminated manuscript. within a circle, three figures stand. on the edge there are at least five male bust drawings

The Witch of Endor

This is a late 12th-century illustration of “the Witch of Endor,” a prophetess from the Bible who could raise the spirits of the dead and talk to them. Artists have enjoyed illustrating her almost as much as religious people have enjoyed debating about her powers.   In the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament First Book of Samuel

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Moses Maimonides, Medieval Mind

Moses Maimonides is not only fun to say (alliteration!), but also the name of one of the most important philosophers of the Middle Ages. Born around 1135 in Spain, Maimonides was influenced by the great mix of religious cultures that made the Medieval Iberian peninsula unique. And this brings me to one of his most

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close up image from an illuminated manuscript of two women in a burning building, one women hidden behind a rock, and a man with a sword standing to the side

“Dulcitius” and the Revival of Playwriting

After the Roman Empire collapsed in Western Europe, the literature that had flourished went into abeyance. For instance, the entire genre of playwriting just went out of existence. It was finally a tenth-century woman named Roswitha of Gandersheim who revived this art. Her plays today read charmingly clunky, like fourth-grade presentations. As with much about

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a woman with straight dark hair lies on a bed covered with a thick blanket

Anna Akhmatova, Russian Poet

This is the story of a famous Russian woman and author,, Anna Akhmatova. Here she is in 1924 at age 35, looking weary and seductive. By this time, Anna (neé Anna Andreyevna) had lived through fin-de-siecle Europe, the artsy cabaret scene in St Petersburg, the First World War, and the Communist Revolution. Well might she

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Hernán Cortés drawn in Roman armor in an Aztec codex

Hernán Cortés in New Codex

This is a fanciful rendition of the Spanish _conquistador_ Hernán Cortés (d. 1547), dressed as an Ancient Roman centurion. The imagery is unusual for a number of reasons: first, Cortés was the main player that brought about the destruction of the Aztec Empire, which happened over a thousand years past Ancient Rome’s heyday. The artist

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a marble bust of Voltaire as an older man


This marble bust of the French philosopher Voltaire (né François-Marie Arouet 1694-1778) was crafted by the admiring artist Jean-Antoine Houdin, who rendered the famed thinker multiple times during his artistic career. This bust shows Voltaire vulnerable in his old age, yet with a wry expression of humor that speaks to his legendary intelligence and abrasive

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