history of race

Ancient Roman Lesbians

Ancient Roman Female Homosexuality

In Rome during the first and second centuries, explicit evidence abounds about heterosexual desire for women, such as in the story of Europa, featured here in this first-century fresco from Pompeii. Another appears in the novel __Leucippe and Clitophon_, which relays the repeated abductions of the heroine Leucippe, who successfully escapes and consumates her romance […]

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Ancient Roman Slavery

Ancient Roman Slavery and Prostitution

Slavery in the Ancient Roman Empire was an entrenched and ubiquitous part of life. Around one of every seven people in the second century was enslaved, and that fact shaped the social lives of Romans in all sorts of ways, including how they thought about sex.This is a sketch of a fourth century CE slave

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Maji Maji Uprising

Maji Maji Uprising of Tanganyika

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, almost the entire continent of Africa was taken over by various European states and business entrepreneurs. Among this area was the eastern state of Tanganyika, modern Tanzania. The two men featured here in chains are reflective of many who rose up against the German colonialist government in

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a museum display of a small area with pots and a manequin

Dobbin House

You are looking at a tiny opening, maybe three feet wide and two feet high, that peers into a hidden room against a stairwell that served as one of the first stopping points of the northbound path of America’s Underground Railroad.   The Underground Railroad, of course, was the illegal highway that American enslaved people

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a group of seven older black women using a handheld scale to weigh a baby

Black Reproductive Health

The ability to control when to have a child has had different histories for women of color and white women in the United States. Then as now, African American women experienced higher levels of poverty and risk of dying in childbirth than their white American sisters. Before Roe v Wade between 1965/67, black maternal death

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The Dozens

The Dozens

Here you see an album cover of musician and comedian “Speckled Red,” whose hit song “The Dirty Dozens” put samples of “the Dozens” to music, with a notable version published in 1929. But the tradition of the Dozens game goes back much further, echoing insult games that developed in western African countries like Ghana, and

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Wawa Gatheru

Wawa Gatheru Speaks at Shippensburg Univeristy

Tonight Shippensburg University welcomed guest lecturer Wawa Gatheru, a leader in the contemporary U.S. environmental justice movement. She had many interesting things to say, but since I am an historian, I especially appreciated her discussion of how the legacy of American slavery has led to environmental inequity today. Wawa Gatheru pointed to two ways this

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Jeffrey Grimes and Anna Crawford

Shippensburg University History Students Present Research on African American Community Employed by Thaddeus Stevens

At Shippensburg University, undergraduates have many opportunities to do original historical research projects supervised by faculty who are experts in their fields. Here you can see Jared Diehl and Anna Crawford’s poster presentation for the annual 2023 Academic Day, which commences the semester. Anna and Jared worked this summer to uncover whatever sources they could

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Medieval representations of blackness

Medieval slavery and blackness

As the 1300s began, the Christian-held areas of Spain saw an influx of slaves from a variety of cultures: Greeks, Armenians, Turks, foreign Muslims, and sub-Saharan Africans. While Christians (as well as Muslims and Jews) had legally enslaved people for centuries, they were newly confronted with the fact that some of their Muslim neighbors were

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