
close up image from an illuminated manuscript of two women in a burning building, one women hidden behind a rock, and a man with a sword standing to the side

“Dulcitius” and the Revival of Playwriting

After the Roman Empire collapsed in Western Europe, the literature that had flourished went into abeyance. For instance, the entire genre of playwriting just went out of existence. It was finally a tenth-century woman named Roswitha of Gandersheim who revived this art. Her plays today read charmingly clunky, like fourth-grade presentations. As with much about

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Andrew Shriner and Nickolys Hinton

Last evening I had the pleasure of hosting my former history student Andrew Shriner, as well as Shippensburg University’s fencing instructor and coach Nickolys Hinton, as speakers. They gave presentations on Medieval sword-making and the development of Spanish swords from the 17th century to the present. My undergraduates, the Shippensburg fencers, and folks from the

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King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has emerged as a heroic leader in no small part because of his willingness to endure the dangers and hardships of the battlefield for a cause that seems larger than him. In this, he parallels the popularity of another unlikely ruler of the Middle Ages: King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, aka “the leper

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a set of silver rings bound by a smaller ring

Scottish Viking Hoard

VIKING HOARD ALERT! Not, like, the immanent threat of hoards of Vikings coming to invade, but the other sort of hoard — as in, the stashed treasures from Viking-age Scandinavia and Britain, buried for safekeeping but never reclaimed by their owners. Hundreds of such hoards have been discovered in modern times, many by amateur treasure-seekers

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drawing of Uncle Sam kneeling and praying with text surrounding him

How Corporate America Created Christian America

This advertisement appeared in _Life_ magazine July 1952. Put out by Conrad Hilton, famous hotel millionaire and ardent anti-Communist, Hilton was one of many Americans who supported a sense of nationalism that entwined Christian religion with patriotism at altogether new levels. In the twentieth century, the drive to portray America as a Christian nation was

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Children in the Christian Afterlife

Here’s a humongous Hellmouth harvesting hardened humans! This 15th-century depiction of tortured souls was a common artistic motif and gets at the real fear that permiated Medieval society about what one’s place in the afterlife would be. Notably missing from the damned, here, were children. And yet, folks did worry. The general view was that

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stone tomb with engravings in Hebrew. two hands are carved in a fashion that resembles the Vulcan salute that was popularized by the Star Trek shows and films

The Jewish Origins of the Vulcan Greeting

See the Vulcan “live long and prosper” sign on this tombstone from 1819? It really is, and this isn’t like the History Channel’s claims that aliens built the pyramids. But Spock, rather, borrowed from an actual human custom originating in Jewish tradition. Leonard Nimoy’s hand signal is half of a sacred gesture made by the

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painting of a celestial humanoid holding a painting of storm at sea. the figure is tilting the painting so that water from the painted sea overflows from the frame.

The Unmoved Mover

This surrealist painting by Mariusz Lewandowski, called “demiurgos unmoved mover” shows a haloed figure standing outside of a frame which contains a scene of a vast sky and water tumbling over the lip of the picture — maybe the figure is just watching the image, or maybe they are actually tipping it. Either way, the

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image of the paint Man Proposes, God Disposes that features two polar bears destroying human bodies and a ship wreck

The Alleged Curse of “Man Proposes, God Disposes”

This grizzly painting of two polar bears rending apart the remains of human corpses with a shipwreck in the background is the subject of a fascinating urban legend. Called _Man Proposes, God Disposes_, it was painted by artist Edwin Landseer in 1864 to depict the tragic failure of Englishman Sir John Franklin’s Arctic expedition 19

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Hernán Cortés drawn in Roman armor in an Aztec codex

Hernán Cortés in New Codex

This is a fanciful rendition of the Spanish _conquistador_ Hernán Cortés (d. 1547), dressed as an Ancient Roman centurion. The imagery is unusual for a number of reasons: first, Cortés was the main player that brought about the destruction of the Aztec Empire, which happened over a thousand years past Ancient Rome’s heyday. The artist

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a marble bust of Voltaire as an older man


This marble bust of the French philosopher Voltaire (né François-Marie Arouet 1694-1778) was crafted by the admiring artist Jean-Antoine Houdin, who rendered the famed thinker multiple times during his artistic career. This bust shows Voltaire vulnerable in his old age, yet with a wry expression of humor that speaks to his legendary intelligence and abrasive

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painting of saint euphrosyne in a medieval illuminated manuscript

Saint Euphrosyne the Monk-Virgin

This is a 14th-century painting of Saint Euphrosyne of Alexandria, who was one of the “monachoparthenoi”, a Medieval Greek term for “monk-virgins.” These were young women who disguised themselves as monks so that they could avoid marriage and live a life devoted to spiritual contemplation in male monasteries. It was a bit of a trend,

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painting of six figures dancing and playing instruments in a line

The Dancing Disease

This painting by the Early Modern European artist Pieter Brueghel the Younger shows a line of dancers, but they don’t look like they are having that much fun — for instance, the two women in the center are staring off into space, not paying attention to the musicians in their path. And that’s because they

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colored wood block print of the character kasane

Kasane the Vengeful “Noh” Spirit

Washington DC’s Sackler Gallery has an exhibit right now called “Staging the Supernatural: Ghosts and the Theater in Japanese Prints.” It’s a fascinating view of the ways different artists thought about monsters and ghosts as popular subjects of Japanese “Noh” Theater, a type of performance that moved from elite circles to the masses in the

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woodblock print of Sun Wukong the Monkey King

“Journey to the West” and “Dragon Ball Z”

In the late 1500s in China’s Ming Dynasty, one of the world’s most epic sagas was published: _Journey to the West_. Attributed to Wu Cheng’en, it incorporated folk tales and myths with an historical account of a Chinese monk seeking Buddhist texts and wisdom. Along the way, the monk is aided by protectors, of whom

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Sun-dog Reformation Painting

Sun-dogs, Astrology, and Apocalyptic Thought in the Italian Renaissance

This painting is breathtaking — especially when you consider that an artist painted the original in about 1535 — this is a copy from the first part of the 1600s. Entitled “Vädersolstavlan,” the Swedish name translates into “The Sun-Dog Painting” and may be the first artistic rendering of this celestial phenomenon. Sun-dogs happen in the

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