
Indigenous Burial Mounds

This extraordinary scene from a 348-long muslin painting called “Panorama of the Monumental Grandeur of the Mississippi Valley” was done by an American artist named John J. Egan in 1850. Looking carefully at the details, you can see that white Americans are using their black slaves to open up an American Indian burial mound. The […]

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a chiseled off-white stone in the shape of an arrow or spear head

Clovis Culture and Migration

When you were a kid, did you learn that the first humans in the Americas crossed over the Bering land bridge about 12,000 years ago? Scholars have overturned this chronology completely, but it held away for many years in part because of this type of spear- or knife- head technology featured here, which is the

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Egyptian stone relief of multiple male figures

The Sea Peoples

The grumpy faces you see here belong to invaders captured by the Pharaoh Ramses III (about 1186-1154 BCE). Many scholars have interpreted these men as the infamous “Sea Peoples,” about whom little is known for certain, but to whom historians have attributed the collapse of many civilizations in the Bronze Age.   The Sea Peoples

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The Khentii Mountains, Resting Place of Genghis Khan

In the Khentii Mountains of Mongolia, the almost 8,000 ft-peak Burkhan Khaldun lies: it is the legendary burial place of Genghis Khan, one of Eurasia’s most ambitious and brutal rulers. From a distance of 800 years, it is easy to allow awe rather than horror to surface as the primary estimation of the Mongolian warlord.

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a set of silver rings bound by a smaller ring

Scottish Viking Hoard

VIKING HOARD ALERT! Not, like, the immanent threat of hoards of Vikings coming to invade, but the other sort of hoard — as in, the stashed treasures from Viking-age Scandinavia and Britain, buried for safekeeping but never reclaimed by their owners. Hundreds of such hoards have been discovered in modern times, many by amateur treasure-seekers

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a person stands in a large excavation pit. there is a blue arrow drawn to point at the ground

Fire and Evolution

The Ancient Greeks were right to have the story of how Prometheus brought fire to the human race front-and-center in their mythology. Fire is an amazing thing — most vertebrates flee from it when it happens in the natural world. But we humans learned to control it, and that revolutionized our existence. The control of

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stone tomb with engravings in Hebrew. two hands are carved in a fashion that resembles the Vulcan salute that was popularized by the Star Trek shows and films

The Jewish Origins of the Vulcan Greeting

See the Vulcan “live long and prosper” sign on this tombstone from 1819? It really is, and this isn’t like the History Channel’s claims that aliens built the pyramids. But Spock, rather, borrowed from an actual human custom originating in Jewish tradition. Leonard Nimoy’s hand signal is half of a sacred gesture made by the

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Hernán Cortés drawn in Roman armor in an Aztec codex

Hernán Cortés in New Codex

This is a fanciful rendition of the Spanish _conquistador_ Hernán Cortés (d. 1547), dressed as an Ancient Roman centurion. The imagery is unusual for a number of reasons: first, Cortés was the main player that brought about the destruction of the Aztec Empire, which happened over a thousand years past Ancient Rome’s heyday. The artist

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severed bones attributed to deliberate amputations

Amputations in the Eastern Zhao Dynasty

Paleo-anthropologists have recently analyzed the skeletons of two humans dating over 2,300 years ago from Ancient China which suggest that deliberate amputation of the limbs of one leg might have been done as a type of legal punishment. The skeletons came from the former Eastern Zhou Dynasty (771-256 BCE) near the modern city of Sanmenxia.

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reconstructed skull of ardipethicus ramidus

Ardipithecus ramidus

In the US, Mother’s Day is this Sunday, so I thought it appropriate to introduce this fine specimen, representative of what many Paleo-anthropologists consider the earliest known mother of all hominids (including us Homo sapiens). This is the Ardipithecus ramidus, and she lived about 4.4 million years ago in what is now modern Ethiopia. Her

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I saw three hominids

“I Saw Three Hominids” Historical Christmas Carol

As per my usual holiday tradition, I wrote an historically themed Christmas carol! This one is to the tune of “I Saw Three Ships”, and it’s called “I saw three hominids”. I had been lacking a tune about prehistory! I saw three hominids come inNeanderthal, Den’snovianGenus Homo all are kinHurray for evolution I spoke with

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Younger Dryas Cold Snap

One of the joys about cutting-edge studies that merge scientific data with the discipline of history is the chance to answer questions that we never thought we’d be able to. This photo of Greenland’s ice sheet gets at the way that climate scientists are trying to understand one of the most transformative aspects of earth

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