Nanteos Cup

Nanteos Cup: Contender for the Holy Grail

Fans of Indiana Jones may remember the film about the Holy Grail, and the part where Indy needs to figure out which of the many ancient cups in front of him was the one Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. Of course, the answer was a drab and utterly innocuous vessel — to match

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Persian Silver

The Persian Empires that preceded the Arab invasions of the seventh century developed amazing methods of shaping silver. Usually mixed with an alloy of copper to strengthen the piece, Persian metalsmiths used multiple ways of engraving, stamping, and layering silver. The craftsmanship produced silver objects of all sorts,l. Of course, only elites or royalty could

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Yersinia Pestis

Yersinia Pestis

This baddie not only flourished in 14th and 15th century Eurasia. It also killed millions in the 6th cenuury, and struck again in 19th century China. Scientists are now thinking it might have caused a bottleneck in the population of Europeans in the Neolithic era too!

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15th-century Voynich Manuscript

15th – Century Voynich Manuscript

Ah! What could be cooler than the 15th-century Voynich Manuscript, a document that has stumped linguists and cryptographers since its rediscovery? Yeah, It’s super fascinating. It uses different letters and people have tried corresponding them to various languages like Latin (it has some Latin words in the margins). The paintings are about medical/”sciency” stuff, and

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