Each year, I write historically themed Christmas Carols, and this year’s is about the society of the Early Medieval epic poem _Beowulf_. Enjoy! “Hwaet! Gear-Dagum (Sings the poet)” to the tune of “Deck the Halls (with Boughs of Holly)” “Hwaet! Gear-Dagum,” sings the poet./ Gather ’round and hear/ The tale I tell.// Danish thegns win all the glory,/Killing Grendel beast/’Come up from Hell./// Beowulf, our greatest champion,/Gifts us lots of loot, ring-giver true./Honour cultures show a welcome/Unless they are in a feud with you./// Drink! And revel in our mead-hall,/ Heorot is grand/With beams so tall.// Oft Scyld Scefing knit dear friendships/ Stronger ties to weave/ Protect us all./// Monsters, treason, and cold weather/ These are things we hate in Middle Earth/ Oh! Fate-weaver, keep us safely/ And to our enemies, please send a curse!