Rondo Brilliant

Franz Schubert’s “Rondo Brilliant”

Sheet music written by Franz Schubert in 1826, called the “Rondo Brilliant.” It was designed to showcase the vituosity of a specific violinist Schubert worked with, and was the only piece he wrote for violin and piano published in the artist’s lifetime.  Schubert, who had many loves but suffered from bouts of depression throughout his life, died either of Typhoid fever or late-stage syphilis at only 31 years, having created a prolific amount of music (over 600 pieces) in his short lifetime. As he lay near death, his friend Karl Holz came to play him a final piece to listen to, one by Beethoven: Holz announced his visit to Schubert, stating “The King of Harmony has sent the King of Song a friendly bidding to the crossing. “