Ancient Spartan Masculinity

The Ancient Spartans deliberately cultivated an image of uniform, hyper-masculine, aggressive, militarized toughness. This picture helped maintain their power over their enslaved helots, upon whom the Spartans depended for their labor, wealth, and food. The statue here, known as “Leonidas,” comes from 480-470 BCE at the acme of Spartan dominance. The plumed helm, nude and […]

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Burdock in Shenandoah National Park

This is “Arctium lappa,” aka burdock. Originally from Eurasia, it is now an invasive species in North America — this beautiful specimen was flowering yesterday in the Shenandoah National Park, and July and August are typical months when the spiny bulbs blossom in lavender and purple. Although burdock root has long been used in cuisines

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earliest human fiber

Dzudzuana Cave, human fabric, and skin lice

We hairless humans have been wearing clothing for a long, long time, but exactly when is hard to tell — paintings, statues, or fabrics that give evidence of our garb only appear long after scientists think we started dressing. A paper published by Toups et al. in the journal _Molecular Biology and Evolution_ in 2011

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The Garden of Hercules for Perfume Manufacturing in Ancient Rome

What you see here is the Garden of Hercules, a very niche home discovered in the southeastern ruins of the Ancient Roman city of Pompeii. What makes it special is the fact that it had a large garden designed specifically for flower-growing, and the remains of small glass bottles, irrigation techniques, and pollen samples suggests

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Blue Qu'ran and Al-Kindī

Al-Kindī, Calligraphy and Cryptography in 9th c Middle East

This is one folio from the precious “Blue Qur’an,” dating from about 850-950 CE. The indigo-dyed parchment is adorned with gold and silver lettering, a treasured example of the heights to which the Arabic-speaking Muslim world brought the art of calligraphy. The era in which this copy of the Qur’an was written overlaps with the

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Ancient Hero Maya Twins

Chichén Itzá Sacrificial Burial of Twin Boys from Hero Twin Myth

These “Hero Twins” are two of the most important characters from Ancient Maya mythology, and now we can link their stories to an actual Maya practice of sacrificing boy children, especially twins, in the Classical Maya settlement of Chichén Itzá. The findings appeared this month in the journal _Nature_, co-authored by geneticist Rodrigo Barquera, which

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Lejeune and the Battle of Moscow

Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia and Tolstoy’s Critique of the “Great Man” Theory of History

There are many 19th-century paintings like this — where there are seemingly hundreds of minute figures, and you have to concentrate on the small patches of action in order to understand at all what is going on, instead of getting an impression of the whole and then spending time appreciating the details. This one is

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Earliest Sundials

The Earliest Timepieces from Ancient Egypt and the Hebrews

This Ancient Egyptian “shadow clock” dates to the Ptolemaic Period (330-306 BCE), but is representative of the earliest known timepieces. The earliest extant dates to about 1500 BCE, but this fragment is much more interesting to look at. Check out the parallel and oblique lines engraved on the sloping face: one would have placed a

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Arnaut Daniel

Arnaut Daniel, the 12th c Inventor of the Sestina

Time for a slice of poetry history! Reader, may I introduce you to one Arnaut Daniel, a late 12th-century troubadour from Provençe in southern France, and most likely candidate for the invention of the _sestina_? This image is from a 13th-century manuscript, which is as contemporary as we can get.Admittedly, neither Daniel nor the sestina

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Pope Innocent and Vampirism

This little Beasty comes from an early 15th-century manuscript as just part of a doodle or marginalia. It looks vampire-ish enough to set the mood about a pope who lived in the same century and was accused of vampirism.And I am talking about Pope Innocent (*queue irony for the name*) the VIII. Like other leaders

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Queen Elizabeth I

Venetian Ceruse in European Aristocratic Life

We’ve all heard about the toxic use of lead in cosmetics in history: it whitened the skin, which aristocrats from Ancient Roman times well into the 1800s thought was a good look. Of course, it also poisoned the users. The Early Modern employment of “Venetian Ceruse” was particularly popular, and was a combination of lead,

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Gladiator Blood and Epilepsy

This Romano-British mosaic of combating gladiators speaks to the tradition of these bloody contests. It turns out, they were sanguineous in multiple ways — not only with the frequent slayings of the losers, but also in the way gladiator blood was revered for medicinal purposes.First appearing in the records about 260 BCE, gladiator fights originally

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Cannibalism in Medieval to 19th-Century Europe

Europeans practiced cannibalism well into the 19th century, and one of the favored ways to consume their own kind happened with beheadings. Here you see close-ups of a 1649 painting by artist John Weesop called “An Eyewitness Representation of the Execution of King Charles I”. Notice in the second image the rush of people collecting

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Gopher Hole

World War II “Gopher Holes”

Here you see the ruins of a base-end “fire station” that was created shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor when the U.S. entered the Second World War. Scouting stations like this one, which is on the Muir Woods lookout point (see second picture) were built along the northern California coastline to watch out for

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Auburn State Recreation Park Waterfall

California’s Auburn State Recreation Area

The Auburn State Recreation Area, 40,000 acres of land along the Middle and North Forks of the American River, almost never existed.Once a major locus of interest during the California Gold Rush, the canyon was scheduled to be dammed when it was discovered to be along a major earthquake fault line and that damming it

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