Medieval History


The Similarities of a Locust and Senator Ernie Chambers

I am going to do a magic trick for you — take a look at the two photos here: one is a 15th century painting of a Locust, and the other is Ernie Chambers, the longest-serving state senator of Nebraska (46 years and counting). And my hocus pocus will be to show how these two […]

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The Death of Earl Godwin of Kent of Southern England

My theme for the next while will be. . . . “ancient and Medieval rulers who died horribly according to their gleeful enemies who ended up recording history.” This is a fun theme, because writers of Days of Yore liked to tart up their death narratives, and if they could finesse a good sense of

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King Edward II

The Rumored Gruesome Death of King Edward II of England

Third in my series of chroniclers who regaled their readers with narratives of the horrific deaths of rulers is the story of the demise of King Edward II of England. Edward, who had earned the enmity of powerful aristocrats as well as his wife, had been forced to abdicate his throne and was imprisoned when

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Dancing Skeletons

A Bubonic Plague Inspired Christmas Carol

Those who know me, know that each year in lieu of holiday cards, I write historically themed Christmas carols. And this year, I give you the following, sung to the tune of “Good King Wenceslas”.When the plague spread all about/ thirteen-forty seven.Buboes pussing, fevers out/ Time to bury your kin.Philip tried to find the cause/

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Mistletoe Plant

Christmas History – The Mistletoe Plant

Today’s Christmas-themed post is all about the mistletoe plant, which had special importance in pagan European times before it became attached to Christian holiday traditions.Mistletoe is a super fascinating species that evolved from sandalwood, and is a type of parasitic plant. It uses its host plant’s water and nutrients, but can also photosynthesize energy from

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Aztec Goddess

Aztec Goddess Cihuacoatl and Naming Ceremonies

My topic for the turn of the year is the history of naming ceremonies. Such traditions have been important parts of human culture at least as long as recorded history, and this makes sense: naming children marks them as part of their communities, and much about a society can be understood from how folks went

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Hungry Ghost with Baby

Japan’s “Scroll of the Hungry Ghosts”

No surprise, much more documentation survives regarding naming ceremonies for the wealthy versus regular people in Ancient and Medieval societies. This is certainly the case with Japanese history. Isn’t it fantastic, though, that amidst the paucity of evidence — I mean, we know *so* little about Japanese childbirth and naming practices — we at least

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Talismans Against Lilith

Protection from Lilith in Traditional Jewish History

I hope yunz’ all can appreciate baby-killing demon-goddesses as much as I do. They appear in so many cultures, and explain so much about women’s fears (like being the worst sort of woman — a) one who murdered children and b) hadn’t been able to manage her love affairs with a man in socially-acceptable ways.).

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Korean Language

Genesis of the Korean Language

This week’s posts focus on the genesis of languages. Although languages develop over time, and are almost always (*thanks,* Esperanta) spoken before being written down, sometimes it is possible to identify singular moments in linguistic history when enormous change happens.Take the case of Korean, for instance. Historians are still in debate about whether it emerged

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The Fourth Western European Crusade

Killing in the name of God has been an unfortunate part of the legacy of Abrahamic religions, and we might wonder how people across the millennia have rationalized this. No need for much Biblical exegesis here, because I am hopeful that readers would all fall into the “no sh*t, Sherlock” camp at the mere suggestion

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Barber Pole

The Barber Pole and Medieval Times

This barber’s pole may look like a quaint form of advertisement, reminiscent of a candy cane. However, it’s got a pretty sick story behind it.You probably know that medicine in the Middle Ages was not informed by the scientific method, and that hygiene, anatomy, and physiology weren’t understood. A good reason for cutting open a

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Crown of Monomachus

Byzantine Rituals During Transitions of Power

Whenever a new leader assumes power, the transition sparks anxiety typical of human nature’s concern about the liminal, of boundaries and unpredictablity. One of the ways people have dealt with this unease is through the observance of rituals. Repeated ceremonies bring continuity, and are laden with symbolism that gives meaning to the authority of the

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Syphilis Epidemic

Epidemic of Syphilis in the 15th-Century

This disgusting, but hardly pornographic, illustration of a monk with open lesions on his penis is illustrative of the horrific pandemic of Syphilis that emerged in Europe in the late 15th century. Causing sores on genitalia in its first phase, the disease eventually results in ulcers, hair loss, and physical dismemberment among other things before

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Syphilis Treatment

Medieval Syphilis Treatment (With Mercury)

For centuries, Europeans’ #1 go-to treatment for the disease Syphilis was an administration of mercury. Physicians managed it via theraputic fumigation, through injections, and as topical creams – often in the form of mercurous chloride, called “sweet mercury” or “calomel”. As the 16th-century poem “Syphilis” notes: “All men concede that mercury’s the best/ Of agents that will

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John of Arderne and Medieval Anal Fistulas

What can anal fistula teach us about Medieval life? A great deal, tuns out.The first image you see here is a 15th-century illustration of one of the most important medical treatises of the Middle Ages, the “Practica of fistula in ano.” It is all about how to cure diseases of the colon and rectum, including

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Original Zodiac Man Picture

The Zodiac Man and Medieval Surgery

Yesterday I wrote about a certain physician, John of Arderne, who wrote an amazingly forward-thinking text about how to perform a surgery on anal fistula. Unique for his time in the 1300s, he emphasized the importance of hygiene and correct methods to prevent blood loss during the painful operation. Lest you think that anyone, even

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The Mandrake Root in European History

Harry Potter fans might recognize this plant from a seveth-century Italian herbal: it is a mandrake, or in Latin, “mandragora.” So named because Ancient and Medieval Europeans thought the way that its root resembles a man (or a woman, see illustration three) was just so extra, the mandrake gained a reputation for producing effects far

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De Materia Medica

Medicinally Used Plants in “De Materia Medica”

Just how important is a single book? In the case of the one featured here, _De materia medica_, the answer is 1500 years: that’s how long this text dominated the genre of applied medical textbooks. The most important description of plants and their uses for over a millennia and a half, it wasn’t rediscovered in

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Byzantine Hospital

The Importance of Byzantine Xenon Hospitals

In these pandemic times, attention has justly been drawn to the critical role that hospitals and their staff have played in preventing social collapse by providing relief to millions of sufferers — those that manage to return to health, and those whose last days’ solace has been granted by weary health-care workers. We can thank

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Byzantine Emperor Murder

Mutilations of Byzantine Emperors

The Byzantine Empire had a good run, from the move of the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople in 330 CE to the takeover of the illustrious city in 1453. The individual emperors, however, frequently were not as lucky in their reigns. Here you see an 11th-century manuscript showing the murder of Emperor Romanos III

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