Ancient History


Ovid’s “Metamorphosis”

One of my favorite moments in literature comes from the Ancient Roman poet Ovid’s _Metamorphosis_, which weaves together all the myths of the Olympian deities into one narrative. Among the hundreds of tales Ovid relates is the story of the contest between the Goddess Minerva and the young maiden Arachne, whose talents for weaving exquisite […]

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Dressing Up During 1600s Europe

Cosplay is not new: dressing up in character has a long legacy, and has been considered appropriate in different occasions. Whereas in current American culture, you go to special conferences or wait for Halloween, in seventeenth-century Europe you would try to hire a fancy portrait artist and make a subtle statement about your personality and

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Terracotta Statue

Ancient Rome and Infanticide

This terracotta statue from Ancient Rome of a breastfeeding mother with four swaddled infants gets at the challenges of raising babies when resources were scarce and infant mortality high. Scholars have been debating the extent to which ordinary people practiced infanticide, but it was undertaken without criminal prosecution in the Ancient Roman world. After all,

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Ancient Greek Myth of Cassandra

Sometimes the distant past seems exotic and remote, and sometimes it feels like today’s news headlines. The Ancient Greek myth of the prophetess Cassandra brings out both tendencies. Born into the Trojan royalty, beautiful Cassandra was cursed by the God Apollo after she changed her mind about sleeping with him. Although every utterance she predicted

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Julian Peters

Julian Peters “I Have Come to Consume the World”

This watercolor by Julian Peters, called “I Have Come to Consume the World,” illustrates beautifully a central moment in the Hindu epic, _The Bhagavad Gita_. The _Gita_ is the most famous sacred scripture in Hinduism, dating to perhaps the second century BCE. This particular point comes in the eleventh chapter, when the hero Arjuna begs

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Gaius Julius Caesar

Contemporary Rendition of Gaius Julius Caesar

This is a contemporary rendition of the Ancient Roman leader, Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE), recreated by Dutch anthropologist Maja D’Hollosy. To make it, D’Hollosy referenced a recent analysis of Caesar by Tom Buijtendorp, two contemporary busts, and coin imagery. The upshot of the composite sculpture illustrates a man who got into power despite, not

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Writing and the Polybius Square

Almost as soon as writing was invented, authors have developed ways of shielding their materials from unwanted viewings. Polybius the Greek (c. 208-125 BCE) [first image] describes how two of his compatriots, Cleoxenus and Democleitus, developed a method of cryptography that now goes by the name “Polybius Square.” [See second image.] By placing the Greek

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Reputation of Ancient Orator Demosthenes

The force of the wind and elements that this figure has to brace himself against well represent the reputation of the Ancient Greek orator Demosthenes. Greeks and Romans described him as someone who fought against the destiny he seemed to have inherited to become one of the most skillful speech-makers of all time. Born in

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Tomb Carving 1

Ancient Carved Sarcophagi

Here you see one of the finest sarcophagi of all time. Carved out of marble in the late second-century CE, the panel shown here despicts the God of wine, Dionysius, approaching the comatose maiden Ariadne, who lies in the lap of the God of death (Thanatos). The close arrangement and true-to-life proportions of the figures

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Battle Scenes

Ancient Roman Battles and PTSD

Here you can see the grim and chaotic scenes of battle depicted in the Ludovici Battle Sarcophagus, made in the Roman Empire mid-third century CE. The horrifying conditions that Ancient Roman soldiers experienced have led to a debate as to whether PTSD extended farther back in time than the late 19th-century. Some of the symptoms

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Gladiator Mural

Gladiator Mural from Ancient City of Pompeii

This gladiator mural was unveiled just last week from the Ancient Roman city of Pompeii. The unusually graphic depiction of a bleeding fighter — holding his thumb up, a gesture to signal for mercy — was found by archaeologists in a building thought to have been a bar and brothel. Since we know that gladiators

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“The Kiss of the Enchantress”

“The Kiss of the Enchantress,” painted by English artist Isobel Lilian Gloag (c.a. 1890) depicts a monster from Ancient Greek mythology called a Lamia. Like so many stories about horrifying females, the Lamia’s backstory involves a grizzly subversion of the ideal woman — she destroys children rather than nurtures them, and seduces men in order

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Odin and His Ravens Huginn and Muninn

The leader of all the Gods in Norse mythology, Odin, was routinely accompanied by his ravens named Huginn (“thought”) and Muninn (“mind”), appearing together in visual records as early as the sixth century The names of these birds called attention to Odin’s vast knowledge — the medieval Icelandic sources have Odin’s ravens fly all over

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Canon of Medicine

The Golden Age of Islam’s “Canon of Medicine”

Here you see an illustration of one of the most important medical textbooks in history: Avicenna’s _Canon of Medicine_. Written by 1025 CE, the _Canon_ represented a pinnacle of scientific progress in the Golden Age of Islam. Avicenna synthesized knowledge from the Ancient Greeks and Romans, Ancient and Medieval India, China, and Persian Muslim traditions

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Romano-British Latin

Ancient Romano-British Ritualistic Curses

The scratchings you see on this picture are not my students’ writings, which makes me glad for two reasons. First, they are written in Ancient Romano-British Latin. Second, the lead tablet shown here records a ritualistic curse — it is a type of item found widespread in the Ancient world. 130 examples alone, dating from

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Tauroctony From The Roman Cult of Mithras

You are looking at a late 3rd-c. CE Tauroctony, the sacred scene from the Roman Cult of Mithras. Frequently compared with the emerging religion of Christianity, Mithraism featured a savior deity who came down from the stars to save his adherents. Worshippers of this cult were all men, and they met in chambers that resembled

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Flaming Mountains

First Historical Stash of Marijuana

In the far north-eastern part of China, the beautiful but deeply inhospitable Flaming Mountains lie. Travellers going across the Silk Road in ancient history avoided this area, skirting south to parts of the desert that contained waterholes and vegetation. The Turpan Oasis was one of these (see second photo), and it was in this region

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