Africa, Asia and South Asia

African Villages Fractals

African Villages Fractals

This traditional African village in Camaroon is one example of many of the pervasiveness of fractals in many African cultures. Ron Eglash has documented the indigenous use of fractals – repeating patterns on ever-larger scales – in African religions, textiles, and village communities. Sometimes, as one approaches the smaller or innermost components of a fractal,

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Feces Dispersal

This painting is a super blunt image of a woman relieving herself. Painted in the early 1600s, it gets at a very different perspective (compared to modern USA) about human effluences in Medieval and Early Modern Japan. Instead of pushing our human elimination as far away as possible, urban dwellers strove to use it. Historian

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Cleopatra and Mark Antony's Twins

Cleopatra’s Twins by Mark Antony Identified

“PetThe political intrigues and love affair of Mark Antony and Cleopatra have captured the imaginations of generations, even before the famous couple’s deaths in 30 BCE in their war against the future Emperor Augustus of Rome. This statue is the only known image of their twin children, Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. At least, that’s

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Dr. Robert Miller Talk on Dragons

Dr. Robert Miller Talk on Dragons

Slide from a lecture by Dr. Robert Miller from Catholic University, who spoke this evening at Shippensburg about his new book on dragons in Ancient Near Eastern history. The dragon was often symbolic of chaos, and associated with the sea – appropriate because many cultures adapting this myth were not seafaring, and to them oceans

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Early Islamic Trade

This shipwreck puts a new spin on how historians think about the earliest century of Islam. The usual story is that the decades after Muhammad’s death witnessed a real collapse of trade in the former Roman Empire we now call Byzantium. But this wreck, called the Ma’agan Michael B (or MMB) ship, suggests that eastern

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Dr. Timothy May Talk

Dr. Timothy May Talk on Mongolian History

Dr. Timothy May, specialist in Mongolian history, spoke at Shippensburg University this evening. My favorite annecdote was when he talked about the Daoist monk who warned Chinggis Khan that he would live longer if he quit drinking, hunting, and having quite so much sex. The leader of ored the monk, and Chinggis Khan died from

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Zambia wooden structure

Zambia Archaeological Site Has Earliest Known Wooden Structure

The origins of human history keeps getting pushed further back in time, as a recent analysis of a wooden structure in Africa dating back almost a half a million years demonstrates. For reference, anthropologists now date the emergence of homo sapiens to about 200,000 years ago (although some argue for 300,000). The wooden structure discovered

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