I'm Chrissy Senecal, a history professor from south-central Pennsylvania
Hailing originally from California, I got my PhD in Medieval history from Boston College. For over twenty years I’ve been teaching Ancient Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval courses, as well as courses in women’s history and the history and philosophy of science. I started to write my history Instagram posts in 2019, which are stories about the people, ideas, places, and events that have shaped the world we live in. I have an eye for the seemingly bizarre and strange — perhaps because the mental work needed to make the link between the foreign and the familiar really connects me with the human experience. Thanks for checking out my website, and have a look-see at the stories that catch your eye. Let me know what you find interesting!

E-mail: cksene@ship.edu
Address: History Department
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg, PA 17257