Wicked Bible Excerpt

“Wicked Bible” Excerpt

Look carefully and you might find that one of these Commandments gives very different directions than the usual . . . . This is a photograph from the so-called “Wicked Bible” – published in 1631 in London – which exhorted readers to commit adultery in one of the most notorious typos in history. When King Charles I of England discovered the error made by his royal printer, he tried to have every copy of that Bible burned. The printer was fined and died in debtor’s prison. Eleven copies are known to have survived. (The Wicked Bible also substituted “great-asse” for “greatness” in Deuteronomy 5:24. Considering God was the possessor of the noun, it made for humorous or blasphemous reading, depending on one’s point-of-view.)

Source: The Wicked Bible and other famous biblical mistakes and misprints – The Washington Post