Egyptian Buddhist Statue

Buddhist Statue in Christian Ancient Egypt

What makes this statue of Buddha so different from any others? Location, location, location: it was recently unearthed in Egypt, where it had been buried at an ancient temple at the seaport city of Berenice Troglodytica. The state dates to the second century CE from the Roman occupation of Egypt, and showcases the far-flung trading networks that the Empire had with peoples from across Eurasia. Rome had established connections with India to import many valued items such as pepper, textiles, ivory, and semi-precious stones. And also war elephants. We must not forget about those.

The 71 cm statue was actually not made in India, the origin of Buddhism, but came from stone further west, perhaps south of modern Istanbul (this is according to Dr. Marius Goyazda, the leader of the Polish contingent of archaeologists at the site). Perhaps a merchant had the Buddha carved in Berenice itself, and then dedicated the statue to the temple there. Archaeologists also found an inscription in Sanskrit at the temple dating to a later period of Roman occupation, as well as coins from the Ancient Indian kingdom of Satavahana.

Sources: _Ancient Pages_ “Curious Ancient Buddha Figurine Discovered in Berenice Troglodytica, Egypt” April 28, 2023, Jan Bartek. _Herutage Daily_ “Statue depicting Buddha found in Ancient Egyptian City,” April 27, 2023, Markus Milligan. Image credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.